
Phase 1: Preparation
In this phase (September 2020-April 2021), the consortium will design three tools that will be used throughout the project: Output 1, which is a blended teachers' development pathway for the training of teachers in the use of collaborative learning for inclusion; Output 2 is a hybrid digital/board game (the I4T game) to support teachers in designing inclusive activities for their students; Output 3 is the Gamified platform that will host the training activities.

Phase 2: Training
During this phase, (May 2021 - April 2022), the 75 teachers of the four PLEIADE schools will be trained through the BTAs (Blended Training Activities), where online activities alternate with on-site events in Sofia, Athens, and Trani. The training will follow a participatory approach and include the use of the I4Ts game to help teachers conceptualise inclusive collaborative learning activities for their students. During this phase, the teachers will be guided to design a number of inclusive collaborative activities to be enacted in the Enactment Phase.

Phase 3: Enactment
During this phase (February 2022 - April 2023) teachers will enact the newly designed learning activities in their classes, while sharing their experiences within the PLEIADE community. Meanwhile, all partners will produce an Evaluation Kit for inclusion-oriented collaborative learning activities [Output 4] and an Open online collection of good practices for Inclusion [Output 5].
Phase 4: Amplification
During this phase (April 2022- August 2023), EDEN will coordinate the production of the Impact Amplification Kit [Output 5], a set of materials and guidelines supporting the transfer of PLEIADE’s professional development undertaking to other contexts and countries. In addition, five multiplier events will be held to engage a wider community of teachers and to disseminate project results and outcomes. Two of these events, the ATEE Spring Conference in Genoa and the EDEN Open Classroom Conference in Athens, will have an international audience. The remaining three events will take place in Trani (Italy), Sofia (Bulgaria) and Limassol (Cyprus), with a national target.