Training Platform

Delivered at the end of April 2021, this platform is the main knowledge sharing environment for the PLEIADE teachers throughout and beyond the project. Its configuration is thoroughly documented in order to provide a legacy for other initiatives aiming to promote teachers’ motivation, participation, interaction and peer collaboration.
The PLEIADE digital training platform is Output 3 of the project, and hosts the online interactions and teaching materials of the PLEIADE teachers during the Blended Training Activities (BTAs) and the Enactment. The platform will also host the PLEIADE “Open online collection of good practices for inclusion” (Output 5), which will be an important legacy of the project.
The platform relies on an existing Open Source Learning Management System (LMS), but the functionalities have been expanded with:
- tools for webinar delivery;
- collaborative-oriented and teacher-appropriate gamification tools;
- mechanisms and tools for promoting self-regulated learning (SRL) strategies and personalisation;
- Learning Analytics.
PLEIADE Digital Training Platform ›
(Access is restricted to authorized project partners)