ATEE is Associated Partner in PLEIADE. ATEE is a non-profit European organisation with a mission to enhance the quality of Teacher Education throughout Europe and support the professional development of teachers and teacher educators. ATEE is a multicultural association with extensive expertise and a variety of perspectives on the various fields of teacher education, with members from all over Europe and beyond (currently 225 registered members from 42 European Countries). Since ATEE members deal everyday with the complex challenges involved in catering for a culturally diverse learner population often affected by socio-economic disadvantage, ATEE considers teacher education and professional development concerning social inclusion a foremost priority.
ATEE will host one of the PLEIADE Multiplier Events (ME) at the ATEE 2022 International Conference planned in April 2022 in Liguria, Italy. ATEE will also support PLEIADE’s dissemination activities through its extensive dissemination channels (website, newsletters, mailing lists, social networks) to inform its members and the wider stakeholders’ audience about the project developments and outputs.