Sofia University

Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” is the first school of higher education in Bulgaria, founded in 1888. It has 16 faculties offering in total 96 Bachelor degree programmes, 294 Master’s Degree programmes, and PhD programmes in 150 Accredited Scientific Majors, 3 independent departments, more than 18 specialised scientific centres and laboratories in various disciplines.
The team involved in PLEIADE belongs to the Centre of Information Society Technologies (CIST), an interdisciplinary research and training unit of SU-NIS which supports national and international governmental, non-governmental and industrial organizations for applying policies and strategies related to new technologies. It is designed to strengthen and raise the knowledge, innovation and entrepreneurial culture. CIST is also engaged in training and educational activities including VET, supporting the applications of new technologies in education and in community development. CIST has been involved in more than 70 RTD projects, under different EU and worldwide programmes and initiatives, including 25 projects funded by Lifelong Learning Program, Erasmus+ and PHARE.
Krassen Stefanov, Prof. Dr. - full professor in Computer Sciences, specialised in Educational Technologies, Human-computer Interaction and Serious Games. Head of IT Department at the Faculty of Math and Computer Sciences (FMI), Director of CIST (at SU-NIS), and Head of most successful MSc programme at SU: “Distributed Systems and Mobile Technologies”. Strong background in Technology Enhanced Learning, Knowledge-based repositories, Applications and services for serious games and mobile technologies, Open Development Platforms for Software and Services, Semantic Based Knowledge Systems. Member of the IFIP TC8 as Bulgarian national representative. Long experience gained by participation in more than 15 EC RTD projects as co-ordinator and WP leader (e.g. RAGE, weSPOT, Share.TEC, TARGET, TENCompetence, OpenScout and others). He has more than 80 publications.
Siyka Georgieva Chavdarova – Kostova, Prof. Dr. Habil at Faculty of Education (FE), Sofia University (SU) on Theory of education, European intercultural dialogue through education, Inclusive education, Basics of social work with refugees and migrants, Prosocial helping behavior. She has participated in international and national seminars, trainings and grant`s program for improving qualification since 2005. She is a Chair of the Standing Committee on Educational Sciences and Social Activities, National Agency for Evaluation and Accreditation and a Head of Master program Social work with refugees and migrants. She has 6 monographs, 1 textbook, 14 studies, some books and textbooks in cooperation, more than 45 papers in scientific journals and more than 90 papers in collections.
Atanas Georgiev, Specialised in Web design; Development of Internet Applications; Technologies: PHP (Zend Framework, CakePHP Framework), Java (Servlets, JSP, Spring, Struts), VB.NET, C++, MySQL, MS SQL, Oracle, Apache, XML, XSLT,HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX (jQuery), Fedora Commons, DSpace.
Svetlana Dimitrova coordinates EURAXESS network in Bulgaria and has participated in many EURAXESS projects. Her responsibilities are related to diversity and gender equality issues in the C&C process at SU, in the process of training, dissemination, and intercultural integration of researchers.