Rocca-Bovio-Palumbo School

Located in Trani, Italy, the Rocca-Bovio-Palumbo includes two complexes, for a total of 1300 students and 120 teachers. The two complexes operate in completely different contexts. The Rocca seat is located in the town centre and students belong to middle-class families with good resources to support their children education. The Bovio complex is located in the northern periphery of the town and operates in a socially more varied and difficult scenario with a high percentage of socially disadvantaged students, many foreign families and overall low available resources to support children education. This latter complex, accounting for about 60% of the total number of students in the school, will be the one most involved in the PLEIADE project.
As stated in the school improvement plan and in the educational offer document, one of the main objectives is to reduce the number of students failing to pass the school year as well as to educate them to become active citizens. Through collaborative learning, the school will teach each student to contribute actively to a common purpose, thus increasing self-esteem and engagement in learning.
Marilina Lonigro is responsible for international projects in the school and has been the coordinator of two Erasmus Plus KA2 projects which ended in September 2019. She is eTwinning ambassador and regional pedagogical advisor for the eTwinning project. In her role as a pedagogical advisor, she has been part of the regional team for the drafting and implementation of the Erasmus KA1 projects of the USR (local office of the Ministery of Education), for the training of the Digital Leaders and for the training of Principals in the region. As far as the Erasmus projects of our school are concerned, both projects had a special focus on inclusion. The project "Edugaming", of which our school was the coordinator, was aimed at preventing school drop-outs thanks to the implementation of personalized learning through game-based and gamified approaches. Within this project, the school also organized two training events open to all local teachers and invited experts both from Italian and foreign universities and research institutes. The other Erasmus project involved sports and health education and the school organized and took part in sports competitions for special need students. The rich experience in international projects of our school will allow us to effectively contribute to the PLEIADE project and collaborate with the other project partners, while the wide and outreaching network of contacts of the teachers involved are essential to organise an effective multiplier event with a high number of national participants as planned by the PLEIADE proposal.