A complete list of academic works related to the PLEIADE project is available at the Publications page >>
Intellectual Outputs

Output 1
Blended Teachers' Professional Development (TPD) pathway
This pathway comprises the PLEIADE Blended Training Activities that will introduce teachers to the main topics tackled in the project (inclusive education, learning design and collaborative learning). This innovative, gamified pathway will be implemented and road-tested in the project through 12 months of training involving 75 teachers from Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, and Italy. The pathway will be documented, so as to help teacher training institutions across Europe to reuse it.
First version released on April 2021.
Passarelli, M., Dagnino, F. M., Persico, D., Pozzi, F., & Nikolova, N. (2021). Blended Teachers' Professional Development (TPD) pathway - PLEIADE Intellectual Output 1. https://doi.org/10.17471/54009
Revised version released in September 2022.
Passarelli, M., Dagnino, F. M., Persico, D., Pozzi, F., & Nikolova, N. (2021). Blended Teachers' Professional Development (TPD) pathway – PLEIADE Intellectual Output 1 (Revised version). https://doi.org/10.17471/54013

Output 2
Hybrid I4Ts game
The I4T game is a hybrid tangible/digital game for teachers that will support them in designing inclusion-aware collaborative learning activities for their students. The game is based on the 4T theoretical framework, which support learning design by helping teachers identify Tasks to be performed, Time schedule of the activity, Teams of students to be involved, and Technologies to be used.
First version released on April 30th, 2021.
Bicocchi, M., Ceregini, A., Persico, D., Polsinelli, P., Pozzi, F., Sarti, L. (2021). The hybrid I4T game - PLEIADE Intellectual Output 2. https://doi.org/10.17471/54010
Revised version released in September 2022.
Bicocchi, M., Ceregini, A., Innocenti C., Persico, D., Polsinelli, P., Pozzi, F., Sarti, L. (2022). The Hybrid I4Ts Game - PLEIADE Intellectual Output 2 (Revised version). https://doi.org/10.17471/54014

Output 3
Gamified platform for the Blended Training Activities (BTAs)
This platform will host the online component of PLEIADE's Blended Training Activities, helping teachers from Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece and Italy cooperate and share their experiences and practices throughout the course.
First version released on April 2021.
Manganello, F., Persico, D., Georgiev, A., Mihnev, P., Peltekov, M. (2021). Gamified Platform for the Blended Training Activities - PLEIADE Intellectual Output 3. https://doi.org/10.17471/54012
Revised version released in September 2022.
Manganello, F., Persico, D., Georgiev, A., Mihnev, P., Peltekov, M. (2022). Gamified Platform for the Blended Training Activities – PLEIADE Intellectual Output 3 (Revised version). https://doi.org/10.17471/54015

Output 4
Evaluation kit for inclusion-oriented collaborative learning activities
This kit will support schools, teachers and school leaders throughout Europe in self-assessing the inclusive affordances of the activities they propose to their students. The kit will also be used during the PLEIADE training and enactment to assess the activities produced by the teachers and select good practice examples, as well as to evaluate the PLEIADE project results.
Evaluation Toolkit [EN | IT | BG | GR | User Guide]
Accompanying document released on July, 24th, 2023
Nikolova, N., Mihnev, P., Zafirova-Malcheva, T., Stamenkova, R., Ivanov, S., Persico, D., Passarelli, M., Pozzi, F., Volta, E. (2023). Evaluation kit for inclusion-oriented collaborative learning activities - PLEIADE Intellectual Output 4.

Output 5
Open online collection of good practices for inclusion
This collection will include a selection of 20 publicly available "good practice" examples of activities that can promote inclusion among students. These activities will be drawn from the designs produced by the teachers during the Training Pathway and will be validated through classroom practice.
Open online collection of good practices for inclusion [EN | IT | BG | GR | User Guide]
Accompanying document released on July, 24th, 2023
Nikolova, N., Georgiev, A., Stamenkova, R., Ivanov, S., Stefanov, K., Passarelli, M., & Volta, M. (2023). Open online collection of good practices for inclusion - PLEIADE Intellectual Output 5.

Output 6
Impact amplification kit
This kit will amplify the impact of the PLEIADE project, providing teachers and teacher trainers not directly involved in PLEIADE with the tools and support needed to implement project results in their own context.
Online survey (kit) [EN | IT | BG | GR]
Accompanying document released on June, 30th, 2023
Passarelli M., Pozzi, F., Persico, D., Volta, E. (2023). Impact amplification kit - PLEIADE Intellectual Output No. 6.