Internal Events
Third Short-term Joint Staff Training Event (SJSTE)
The third Short-term Joint Staff Training Event of the PLEIADE project was held from the 5th to the 7th of October 2022, in Sofia, in face-to-face format.
The partners were finally able to meet in one of the PLEIADE schools and work together on planning new enactments of their designs.
5th PLEIADE Transnational project meeting
The 5th PLEIADE Transnational project meeting took place in Trani on May 12th and 13th, 2022.
This was, at last, the first opportunity for the PLEIADE partners to meet in person. Trani is a beautiful little city, and the Rocca Bovio Palumbo school, its teachers and students, were wonderful hosts for such an interesting event! Two days of intensive, much needed collaboration and socialization activities!
Second Short-term Joint Staff Training Event (SJSTE)
The second Short-term Joint Staff Training Event of the PLEIADE project was held between the 18th and the 31st of October, 2021, on the PLEIADE gamified platform. The event was supposed to be held face-to-face but due to the COVID-related safety measures it has been held as an online meeting. The agenda of the event was conceived in a very flexible way, alternating plenary sessions with group work, mostly at national level.
First Short-term Joint Staff Training Event (SJSTE)
The first Short-term Joint Staff Training Event (SJSTE) of the PLEIADE project was held between June 17th and June 25th, 2021 on the PLEIADE gamified platform. The event was supposed to be held face-to-face but due to the COVID-related safety measures it has been held as an online syncronous meeting. Participation is restricted to project participants, but the June 23rd session is open to the public and features a round table with international experts on collaborative learning, inclusion, learning design, gamification. Information on this public session be found on the Conference website.
Three intellectual outputs of the PLEIADE project have been released
The first three intellectual outputs of the PLEIADE project have been released to the public!
- The first output (IO1) describes the Blended Training Activities that will start next week, and last for a year. In these activities, 75 teachers from Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, and Italy will collaborate and learn about learning design, collaborative learning, and social inclusion.
- The second output (IO2) is the I4T game, a hybrid (digital/tangible) card-based game for teachers that want to design inclusive and collaborative activities for their students.
- The third output (IO3) is the gamified platform that will host the the training activities, including all webinars.
All three outputs are accessible on the project website.
PLEIADE project updates
The project partners met virtually with the advisory board members on 18 and 22 March and presented the first three Intellectual Outputs of the project, to be released soon:
- IO1 – Blended Teachers’ Professional Development (TPD) pathway, led by CNR-ITD (National Research Council, Italy) – This output consists in Blended Training Activities that will be attended by 75 teachers during 13 months.
- IO2 – Hybrid I4Ts game, led by Open Lab (Italy) – This output is a tangible/digital game aimed to support teachers in designing collaborative and inclusion-oriented learning activities for their students. Any collaborative activity will be designed on the basis of 4 variables: Task, Team, Time and Technology.
- IO3 – Gamified platform for the Blended Training Activities (BTAs), developed by CNR-ITD and University of Sofia – This platform will host and support the online component of the PLEIADE Training Activities for teachers and specifically the sharing and peer review of the learning activities conceptualised with IO2.
The key contributions of the four partner schools in Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece and Italy will ensure that these tools resonate with end-users’ needs and requirements.
The partners also discussed about arrangements for dissemination, accreditation and quality control of the IOs in an informal and playful atmosphere.
For more information, subscribe to the project news here.
Kick-off meeting

The first Transnational Project Meeting of the PLEIADE Project was held in October 12nd and 20th, 2020. The meeting was planned to be held in Genoa, Italy, but due to the COVID-related travel restrictions it was rescheduled as an online intensive meeting.
This was the first time the project consortium met all together synchronously, and was used to lay the foundation for the work to come. The meeting started with an overview of the whole project by the Project Coordinator. Subsequently, each project partner presented themselves, their background, the tasks they would work on and their responsibilities. This was followed by a detailed presentation of each of the six intellectual outputs of the project, detailing our plans for ensuring high quality and timeliness of each output. Afterwards, meeting participants collaborated in reflecting on project risks and possible mitigation strategies, especially considering how the uncertainty stemming from the COVID pandemic requires fallback plans for all face-to-face meetings and training activities. Lastly, during the meeting partners discussed cooperation arrangements, from a technical side (e.g., shared spaces to be used) as well as from an administrative side.